Interview with Playwright Samara Siskind

1.       Please give me your name, what part of the world you’re in, and favorite author.

Hi! My name is Samara Siskind and I’m from South Florida. My favorite author? Tie! Harper Lee and Donna Tartt. Favorite playwright would be another tie - Annie Baker and Lauren Gunderson.

2.       Tell us a little about your play. 

Carhenge is a monologue that follows a single Mom on a road trip who tries desperately to corral and connect with her kids.

3.       What gave you the idea to write it?

I’ve always been a fan of quirky landmarks and saw a photo and blurb about Carhenge in one of my son’s National Geographic Kids books. I was intrigued.

4.       How does it fit in with your body of work?

I like writing plays with heart. Bonus points if they make people laugh.

5.       What should the audience take away from watching your piece?

I hope Carhenge inspires audience members to recall those core memories of family vacations and the loved ones who made it happen. Also, go on more adventures.*

6.       Why would audiences enjoy seeing a feminist festival of shorts?

Why on earth wouldn’t they?

For tickets to the First Festival of Feminist Theater, go to: .